WinCC flexible RT auf über Ethernet



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Hat jemand eine Idee wie man ohne Step7 und mit Simatic NET 2005
auf einem PC die RT konfiguriert ? Kann in NCM PC Konfig Tool "IE Allgemein" auf Index2 einbinden jedoch auf Index 3 findet man keine
WinCC flexible RT. Auf einem PC mit Step7 klappt wird man fündig und
klappt auch :evil: .
Sorry for answering in english, but I dont have the time to try and translate the following to german. Hope you can make the gist out of it :)

Do you have a reason to create a "PC station" ?
A reason could be to run Win CC Flex RT alongside Win AC, or the OPC server.

If there is no particular reason to create a PC station, then you only have to install the Simatic Net software. There will then be a new option to select Ethernet protocols in the "Set PG/PC Interface" utility. Set S/ONLINE to the Ethernet protocol you are intending to use.
In Win CC Flex CS you simply specify "Ethernet" as the comms method.

If on the other hand you really want to (or have to) create a PC station, then do it on a PC with STEP7 installed.
Make it as an integrated project (PLC and PC station in the same project).
AFter everything is setup and compiled in NetPro, you will locate the .xdb file with the PC station information. Look in the "XDBS" folder in the project directory.
Copy the .xdb file to the target PC. You then use the "Import XDB" function in the PC Station Configurator.

Good luck.