Input register addresses in AXL F RS UNI for Modbus RTU


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Dear all,

I am using the AXL F RS UNI as a Modbus RTU slave in a project and am required to allocate a number of input registers at certain addresses for a Modbus Master. The problem is that the Modbus Master is expecting some data on input register with address 0, but in the standard library only addresses 2000-2999 are reserved for input registers. Addresses 0-1999 are reserved for Holding Registers, so I will receive an error when the Modbus Master will be expecting an input register at 0.

Does someone know a way to "re-address" these hardcoded addresses, or know of another way to choose addresses freely? I am told that my option is to write a new function block just for this purpose, but I really want to avoid this as it would require a lot of time.

Appreciate your help!
It is not possible to read the input register of address 0 on the slave.
You must make changes on the master side to read the input registers from address 2000 to 3000.
There is no other option to read the input registers on the slave.