PG685 printer port / cable layout


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I'm in urgent need of the printer port / cable layout of a PG685.

You probably wonder why, nicht wahr?
On Monday, I'm going to help a collegue, (a jungster) to get data out of an 675 floppy. I had to laugh, he had never seen such a thing before.
In the basement on my workplace, it exists a good old 685, and if I have twisted my brain correctly, I should be able to convert the floppy with the S5KONVER command. So far so good. Now my plan is to print the program from the printer port into a more convenient searchable text file via a 'modern' PC and Hyperterminal. I have done this before, but it is long (looong, long) since and my brain is obviously having a knowledge leakage, so I cannot recall how I did the connection, if I had to use the TTY output and if there had to be some latching to set the baud rate.

Thanks for your attention!

the PG685 printerport is a serial TTY (20mA) current loop. (for PT88 printers)
hyperterminal on PCs work with COM Port.
a COM Port can be
- a V24 (+/- 12 V)
- or a 20mA

baud rate on PG685 is set by soldering on SUB-D Pins.

you can plug in the pc a current loop card or you can use the PG-AG adapter (it is a V24 / TTY converter) need soldering work.

or you can convert the PG675 disc to PG685 file to PC file and then use a S5 PC program.

mybee, i have docs in my (hardware)folder "needless know how" from 1987 to 1993.