Kettner oder Schleicher PDPS Programmierung

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Hallo, sorry, dass ich erst jetzt zurückschreibe!!!

Eine Schleicher auf eine STEP7 umprogrammieren ist immer mit VORSICHT zu genießen!!! Meine erste Schleicher die ich auf eine S7 umprogrammiert habe hat ohne gröbere Probleme funktioniert!!! Habe aber letzten September eine umgebaut und da hatte ich gröbere Probleme!! Die Maschine hat zwar teilweise das getan was sie tun sollte, aber hatte dan auch wieder zeitweise komplette Aussetzer!!! Haben uns dan dafür entschlossen, das wir die Maschine auf der Baustelle komplett neu programmieren (waren einige Nachtschichten dafür notwendig) aber die Maschine läuft jetzt super!!!!

Bist du sicher, das du das Schleicher Programm wirklich übernehmen willst, oder schau dir mal die Funktion der Maschine an und vill. programmierst du die Funktion in S7 nach, somit bleibt die glaube ich einiges an Ärger erspart!!!

Hast du schon wo Unterlagen gefunden??
Hallo hab den alten beitrag mal ausgegraben

Ich hab ein Grösseres Projekt vor Wollte ein schleicher steuerung auf Simens Step 7 umprogramieren, wenn ich in die pläne (der Schleichersteuerung) gucke wird mir ganz schlecht :) kann mir jemand sagen wo ich eine art Handbuch oder Übersetzer finde?

Reichen dir unsere Antworten in dem anderen Threat nicht?
Es ist Mist zu versuchen Befehle von verschiedenen Steuerung auf einander anzupassen.

Hi, hat das alles geklappt?
Wir machen nur so was, wenn Du also mal Hilfe brauchst, dann melde Dich.

Nebenbei: Hast Du die DOC 4.5 vorrätig?

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Hi everyone,
First sorry to follow this post but I have the same problem than the original poster, and sorry to write in English but my "deutch" is really bad and I don't think anyone can read what I will write in German.
Thank you to give us the meaning of the previous contact option.
But now I need to know how the LAA , AAW and CDA works.
Thank you everyone.
Gruss Thomas
I try to remember:
LAA x loads the content of memory adress x into the adress register. The adress register is added to the value of relative word processing commands like LDR, LRR, CDR.
AAW x adds the value x to the adress register.
CDA x compares the data register with the content of memory adress x. The result can be checked with the bits
S 0 <
S 1 =
S 2 >
Most of the word processing commands are built like this:
1. character - What to do, e. g. L=load, A=add, S=sub, C=compare
2. character - Destination, D=data register, A=adress register, R=memory
3. character - Source, A=absolute memory adress, R=relative memory adress, W=constant value
you should check this page:

you´ll find an interactive excel file explaining all the Schleicher instructions.
These guys have put a lot of effort in it and they are quite helpful.

When it comes to a Kettner machine (which is probably not the case when I look at these instructions...) be pretty careful. I had to commission a machine which some joker converted from Schleicher to S7 and you could clearly see that he didn´t understand what he was doing... :x

Good luck!
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Hi everyone.

I've got some new questions that I can't quite understand. It's based on this 3 contact option AAW ; CDW and CDA.
For the CDA I don't fully understand the "S" Bit part. Is that the CDA give me for result a Bit "S" witch have 0 or 1 for value (and the I know if x<y for S=0 and x>=y if S=1) or does I give the "S" bit myself to the project to know witch comparison I want? (example in the folowing picture)
For the CDW option (Compare;data register;constant value), what does it mean by constant value? Is it the value inside the memory in the address x or is it the address? like in this example with a CDW with 0002/0002 witch is the same address.
In the same example I've got a problem with the AAW (Add;Address register;Constant Value) and if I understand the option mean that I put the address inside of a constant. Is that true?
Thank you all for your amazing job.
Gruss Thomas

Hi everyone
UP Please Respond

Hi everyone.

I've got some new questions that I can't quite understand. It's based on this 3 contact option AAW ; CDW and CDA.
For the CDA I don't fully understand the "S" Bit part. Is that the CDA give me for result a Bit "S" witch have 0 or 1 for value (and the I know if x<y for S=0 and x>=y if S=1) or does I give the "S" bit myself to the project to know witch comparison I want? (example in the folowing picture)
Anhang anzeigen 41094
For the CDW option (Compare;data register;constant value), what does it mean by constant value? Is it the value inside the memory in the address x or is it the address? like in this example with a CDW with 0002/0002 witch is the same address.
In the same example I've got a problem with the AAW (Add;Address register;Constant Value) and if I understand the option mean that I put the address inside of a constant. Is that true?
Thank you all for your amazing job.
Gruss Thomas

Anhang anzeigen 41097
LDA 2041 - Load content of memory adress 2041 into data Register
CDA 2655 - Compare data register with content of memory adress 2655
O 0 - Check comparison result (greater or equal)

The "S" in the comment is wrong. "S" stands for "Schliesser" = NO, but the ladder diagram shows a "]/[" which is "O" for "Oeffner" = NC. Bit 0 tells that the second value compared with the first one is smaller, so "O 0" = "NOT 0" means it is greater or equal.

CDW 2 means that the data register is compared with the constant value 2.
The two numbers above word processing commands (e. g. AAW 3776/2046 are the command value in octal/decimal Format.
These characters mark begin/end of parallel branches. The upper line from where a branch is started is called "main line" (in german "Hauptlinie" (H)), the lines below are called "sub lines" (in german "Nebenlinie" (N)). If you want to program a parallel branch, the main line instructions prior to branch origin and end have to be marked with "H". The last instruction of each sub line has to be marked with "N".
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Hi there,
"n" stands for "Nebenleitung", that means your parallel line is fed into the main line right after the instruction marked with "h", which is the point before you combine with the "n" instruction.

---] [---]h[---------] [-------(A1000]
---] [---]n[---I
