WagoAppSocket TCP Client package / lib im Codesys3.5


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I have some trouble with e!COCKPIT:sw9:.And it don't stop so i got tooooo tired with the trouble. so now I will convert to Codesys 3.5.
I have used the TCP Client from the WagoAppSocket lib in my project, and now I would like to "convert" to Codesys 3.5.
The import works fine but I can't get Wago lib with WagoAppSocket imported.... Does someone know how to import that in Codesys 3.5 / hope there is a workaround for that?
There is a support section in this forum from WAGO, normally double posts should be avoided, but in your case it might lead to a faster answer, if you also post your problem there.
I don't think, that you could use WAGO libs with Codesys 3.5 without any precautions. At least you must install a license on Codesys from WAGO.

Von irgendwas mit Internetzugang gesendet.
I have some trouble with e!COCKPIT:sw9:.And it don't stop so i got tooooo tired with the trouble. so now I will convert to Codesys 3.5.
I have used the TCP Client from the WagoAppSocket lib in my project, and now I would like to "convert" to Codesys 3.5.
The import works fine but I can't get Wago lib with WagoAppSocket imported.... Does someone know how to import that in Codesys 3.5 / hope there is a workaround for that?

My controller is a PFC200 the plan is then to buy the codesys license if this possible to import the TCP client.
doch - doch ... als Moderator kann man schon ein bißchen was machen. Aber eine Anstiftung zum Fehlverhalten sehe ich hier nicht ... alles gut ...
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e!COCKPIT Support

Dear Jesper,

we are really sorry to read that our new engineering suite e!COCKPIT did not fulfil your requirements. As we are convinced from e!COCKPIT as a comfortable engineering platform for a broad range of applications we would like to support you on using it! Please get in contact with the WAGO support team in Germany (pls. find the address details in our signature). We are confident to find a solution and a way to get you out of your trouble using e!COCKPIT.
(If you prefer proceeding with CODESYS V3.5 we are unfortunately not the right contact address as the runtime system as well as the engineering platform are not provided by WAGO even if e!COCKPIT is based on the CODESYS Automation Framework.)

Look forward to hear from you soon.