TwinCAT Database server


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Hi Guys,

my english isn't that good to write down my question, I have no problem reading/understanding german.

I'm trying to get the Database server from beckhoff Running (on a PC not CE)...
I'm using SQL Server Express 2012 and using a altered version of the Stored procedure example ...

To log on to the Database server (with the SQL server management software:
* Server name: L001311B1\SQLEXPRESS
* Authentication: Windows Authentication

so in the beckhoff XML configuration I put down:
* DB Type: MS SQL
* Database Server: L001311B1\SQLEXPRESS
* Database provider: SQLOLEDB
* Tbl Name: tblEventLogging (but I'm not using the table directly as I'm using a storedprocedure)

If I try to run the stored procedure example
2:(*Start the stored procedure "FTTM_PlcToSqlComm"*)
sNetID := '',
hDBID := 1,
sProcedureName := 'FTTM_PlcToSqlComm',
cbParameterList := SIZEOF(arrParaList),
pParameterList := ADR(arrParaList),
bExecute := TRUE,
tTimeout := t#15s,
bBusy => bBusy,
bError => bErr,
nErrID => nErrid,
sSQLState => stSqlstate);

I always get the error:
* ErrorID: 16#00040001
* sSqlState: 42000
* SqlErrorCode: 16#80040E4D

even if I use my windows credentials in the XML configuration Tool, I get
* ErrorID: 16#00040001
* sSqlState: 42000
* SqlErrorCode: 16#80040005

I know my windows authentication username & password is correct but either way throws me errors, some of you have experience with the database server

best regards,
As far as I know the Twincat database server doesn't work with every version of the MS SQL Server. So it could be that it doesn't support the MS SQL SERVER 2012. Perhaps you should also try to connect with username and password and not with the windows authentication.
But there is a smarter way to connect your TwinCat PLC to a MS SQL Server: