suche dringend Hilfe ( OPC DA Client,Excel, VBA)


Zuviel Werbung?
-> Hier kostenlos registrieren
Hallo Leute,
Ich habe ein OPC DA Client geschrieben. Irgendwie läuft es einfach nicht. Könnte jemand es mal sich anschauen? Es wäre nett.

Dim MyItem(300) As OPCItem
Dim MyItems As OPCItems
Dim MyGroup As OPCGroup
Dim MyGroups As OPCGroups
Dim MyOPCServer As OPCServer

Dim isserverstarted As Boolean
Dim isgroupadded As Boolean
Dim isitemadded(2) As Boolean

Dim MyOPCItemID(300) As String
Dim addItemCount As Long
Dim MyOPCItemIDs(300) As String

Dim clienthandles(300) As Long
Dim serverhandles(300) As Long

Dim Source As Integer
Dim Value(300) As Variant
Dim Quality(300) As Variant
Dim Timestamp(300) As Variant
Dim Errors() As Long

Dim allopcservers As Variant

Dim i As Integer

Public Sub Probe()
Set MyOPCServer = New OPCServer

allopcservers = MyOPCServer.GetOPCServers

For i = 1 To UBound(allopcservers)
Cells(i, 1) = "gefundener Server Nr. " + CStr(i) + ":" + (allopcservers(i))
Next i
MyOPCServer.Connect (allopcservers(1))

Dim MyOPCServerBrowser As OPCBrowser
Set MyOPCServerBrowser = MyOPCServer.CreateBrowser
MyOPCServerBrowser.MoveDown (MyOPCServerBrowser.item(1))
MyOPCServerBrowser.DataType = vbInteger
Cells(1, 2) = MyOPCServerBrowser.Count & " Register"
Dim name As Variant
For i = 1 To MyOPCServerBrowser.Count
MyOPCItemIDs(i) = MyOPCServerBrowser.item(i)
Cells(i + 10, 10) = MyOPCItemIDs(i)
Cells(i + 10, 3) = ""
Next i

Dim mygroupname As String
mygroupname = "random"

Set MyGroups = MyOPCServer.OPCGroups
Set MyGroup = MyGroups.Add(mygroupname)

MyGroup.UpdateRate = 1000
MyGroup.IsActive = True
MyGroup.IsSubscribed = True

Set MyItems = MyGroup.OPCItems

Source = OPC_DS_Cache

For i = 1 To MyOPCServerBrowser.Count
clienthandles(i) = i
serverhandles(i) = i

Set MyItem(i) = MyGroup.OPCItems.additem(MyOPCItemIDs(i), clienthandles(i))

'serverhandles(i) = MyItem(i).ServerHandle

'Set OPCItem = OPCItems.GetOPCItem(serverhandles(i))
'Cells(i + 10, 14) = MyItem(i).ItemID

Next i

Cells(i + 10, 1) = serverhandles(i)

Dim NumItems As Long
NumItems = MyOPCServerBrowser.Count

Call MyGroup.SyncRead(OPCCache, NumItems, serverhandles(), Value(), Errors(), Quality(), Timestamp())

Cells(i + 10, 2) = MyOPCItemIDs(i)
Cells(10 + i, 7) = Value(i)
Cells(10 + i, 8) = Timestamp(i)
Cells(10 + i, 9) = Quality(i)

End Sub

Kommentare im Quellcode sind ne tolle Erfindung so könnte man schneller verstehen was du da machen möchtest.