Twincat3 OPC UA newbie needs help

vaibhav grover

hello all,
i am going to implement OPC UA with TwinCAT in some future projects and would like to know how to get started with it. I want my research to be organized rather than reading link randomly. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Have a great new year.
Thank you.
Hello Hack,
thanks for the link.
I am having troubles starting a Communication project. As mentioned in the manual, I downloaded the TF6100 OPC UA and installed as an administrator. But when I try to make a new communications projekt, it is not visible.
Is there a specific folder all these installations are required to be in?
Do I need to download Client, Configurator and Gateway separately?
Please let me know.

Thanks a lot for your support.
you must download and install all features seperat. Have you installed the configurator? This is needed to make a project in Visual Studio.
Hello Hack,
Thanks for your support. I downloaded all the required downloads (Client, configurator, Gateway, Server) and now I am finally able to see Communications project option in TC3.
I started initialising stuff and ran into a problem when I want to add the server to the system.

this is how adding the endpoints part looks like.

this is how it looks like when i go to Edit Serverlist (under build 4024.7). Somehow, Only Basic256 and Aes128 are visible as endpoints whereas all the ticked options (none, basic256, aes256, Aes128) under endpoint configuration (refer to the photo above) should be visible.
When I click on either of the endpoints for editing the server, I am asked to initialise the server using a username and password as soon as I press connect which looks like the photo below.

now, whatever I type in as username or password, it doesnt accept anything. Do you know a way around this? I would also like to initiate this without a username and password. Do you know how I might be able to do that?

Thanks again.

Newest edit
Just realised that the project map is missing Access Infos which is prohibiting me from configuring access for users.


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Hello Hack,
been a while.
Thanks for your reply. But the problems are not sorted out yet.

I am past the TOFU phase and am trying to connect the server and client, so that I can finally see the connected variables on the client. I am successfull at connecting to the server, but the variables are not being displayed.

I have a folder where I have different trials for the OPC UA project and the current project is also saved in one of the sub folders. Is it possible that the already existing server configurations from previous project could be conflicting? I say this because I have tried making the connection between the client and server several times and each time I give in the URL to UA Expert, there are already pre-exisitng servers with the same configuration. I then connect and over-write these server configurations.

this is a photo of how the UA Expert looks like and how I cannot see any variables under the PLC or PLC_1 folders.

this is how the configurator looks like after a successfull connection

this is how the server configuration looks like.

I would also like to know, when I am allowed to activate configuration from the server side and when do I first connect to the server via configurator. I ask this because I have logged in and off multiple times and activated the configuration multiple times, probably somewhere I was not supposed to do it.

Let me know what you think.

It looks like the configuration is empty. You ust configure the plc and activate the configuration.
Hallo Hack,
thanks for you reply. the problem was, I was connected to CX but did not download server to the cx.
after downloading server to the cx, I changed the name of the TcUaSecurityConfig.xml file to old_TcUaSecurityConfig.xml. this allowed me to initialise the server and add new users.

Now with the next problem, I have a CP6606 display controller from twincat which I would like to use for OPC UA purposes. this is being used as the controller in a machine and i would like to display values on it of variables that are communicated via ex. profinet. I downloaded the CAB files to the device and have initialised the server with the configurator. I have also added attributes to the variables that I want to share, checked the download TMC file box. When I try to go online with the server, so to see the variables on UA Expert, I get a timeout error which looks a something like this.

what can be the reason? should i adjust some setting on the server?

this is how the online panel looks like (all the other fields are empty):

I saw a video online which mentioned the use of isolated core for OPC UA applications. this is how the current system settings look like. after clicking on read from system, this is what I get. could the problem be here?

Let me know what you think.

Hello Hack ,

firewall on the CP is deaktivated fully and on the defender firewall on the local system, I set a rule and have allowed communication through opc ua.

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