Libnodave 0.8.5

Gab da irgendein problem mit gesplitteten TCP Paketen... Hab gesehen, das in der neusten libnodave da was gefixt wurde, die fixes hab ich noch nicht übernommen, aber der Thread ersteller hat gepostet das er auch mit der originalen libnodave nicht lesen konnte...

Werd deine Änderungen demnächst mal einpflegen....
I want to write a program in my PLC, and I used the code you written here. I couldn't debug your code. Could you help me to debug this code?
the code is this:
int DECL2 davePutProgramBlock(int blockType, int blknumber, char* buffer, int * length)
#define maxPBlockLen 0xDe;
int res = 0;
int cnt = 0;
int size = 0;
int blockNumber, rawLen, netLen, blockCont;
int number = 0;
uc pup[] = { 0x1A, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0x5F, 0x30, 0x42, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x34, 0x50, 0x0D, 0x31, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x32, 0x30, 0x38, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x31, 0x31, 0x30, 0 };
PDU p, p2;

uc pablock[] = {0x1B, 0};

uc progBlock[maxPBlockLen + 4] = {0, maxPBlockLen, 0, 0xFB};
pup[11] = blockType;
paInsert[13] = blockType;
/*pup[12] = number / (10*10*10*10);
pup[13] = (number - (pup[12] * 10*10*10*10 )) / (10*10*10);
pup[14] = (number - (pup[13] * 10*10*10)) / (10*10);
pup[15] = (number - (pup[14] * 10*10)) / (10);
pup[16] = (number - (pup[15] * 10));

pup[12] = pup[12] + 0x30;
pup[13] = pup[13] + 0x30;
pup[14] = pup[14] + 0x30;
pup[15] = pup[15] + 0x30;
pup[16] = pup[16] + 0x30;*/
uc buffer[maxPBlockLen + 4] = { 0, maxPBlockLen, 0, 0xFB };

memcpy(progBlock , buffer, maxPBlockLen+4);

progBlock[9] = (blockType + 0x0A - 'A'); //Convert 'A' to 0x0A
if (blockType == '8') progBlock[9] = 0x08;

progBlock[10] = blknumber / 0x100;
progBlock[11] = blknumber - (progBlock[10] * 0x100);

rawLen = daveGetU16from(progBlock + 14);
netLen = daveGetU16from(progBlock + 38);
sprintf((char*)pup + 19, "1%06d%06d", rawLen, netLen);

sprintf((char*)pup + 12, "%05d", blknumber);
sprintf((char*)paInsert + 14, "%05d", blknumber);

pup[17] = 'P';
paInsert[19] = 'P';

p.header = dc->msgOut + dc->PDUstartO;
_daveInitPDUheader(&p, 1);
_daveAddParam(&p, pup, sizeof(pup)-1);

res = _daveExchange(dc, &p);

return res;
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